
female - adult
Status: adopted

Sex: female
Birthday: 3/3/2014
Color: pied
Housetrained: yes
No other pets- needs to be an only pet
Children: 12 and older and experienced with dogs

Bandit is a very sweet and loyal 5 ½ year old Frenchie who loves to be by her humans, play with her toys, and chew bones. She also loves to roam in the yard, roll in the grass, and go on long walks. She is very fit and is happy to go on a 3 mile walk as many days as possible! She would be ok with a fenced in yard, however in a previous home she had some history of digging under a fence and trying to run out of the door. She has not exhibited either of these tendencies while in her current foster home but would still need to be watched carefully. Her priority is long walks, her favorites being in places where there are lots of smells and not lots of people or dogs.

Bandit is anxious around people and dogs she doesn’t know and will bark and sometimes lunge at them. She is making progress in this area but it is very important that she is introduced slowly and watched carefully when she meets new people. When guests come to the house she does well if she is initially held by or sitting next to her owner. Once she decides someone is safe (which can be just a few minutes), she is anxious to be by them and give them kisses. She is also content to sit in her crate in a different room from the guest if the guest is not going to be there long. On a walk when she is just passing by, she does well when her human gives her as much space as possible, constantly encourages her, and tells her she is ok.

Because of her anxiety, Bandit would do best in a home where she is the only dog and only with older children who are comfortable with dogs. She would do best in the suburbs instead of the city, where on her walks she would not constantly be running into other dogs or people. She is fine in her crate but doesn’t love it. She was crated for long periods of time in a previous situation so she would prefer if someone was home for large parts of the day.

In the right home Bandit will be a forever friend who is sweet, funny and will bring much love and joy to her owners.

Adoption fee is $450 and included her being current on vaccines- spayed and fully vetted- bed- leash -harness and current food.