This is our HOPE. Hope came into rescue last week. Barely 8 mos. old, Hope has several genetic spinal conditions; and lost the use of her back legs at 4 mos. of age. Infested with fleas, ear infection, nails that were curled under and pressure sores from dragging herself around; yet despite everything her personality was shining from the minute we met her! Full of life and expression, courage and determination, Hope meets her challenges bravely. She has been to Forest South, Purdue University and Integrative Pet Care. On Monday, August 17, she had spay surgery and a large hernia removed. She recovered quickly from the anesthesia, and went home with Mary that very night. Mary has worked with her about 4 times a day on range of motion, massage and exercises. Dr. Julie Mayor met her and was AMAZED at the progress she has made in the last FEW DAYS…. we are ordering a wheelchair for Hope. There is a possibility, with the right therapies and treatments, that Hope will walk again! She truly fits her name. She needs your help to ensure she gets all the medical treatments, care and therapy that can help. She is truly one amazing little girl, and reminds us all why we do what we do. Click the DONATE button to give Hope a helping hand!!
To see a video of HOPE:
A BIG SHOUT OUT of GRATITUDE goes to FBVILLAGE for DONATING THE FUNDING for Hope’s wheelchair!!! Hope has been fitted for her wheels and we are ordering them tomorrow! It is so wonderful to have such support and camraderie amongst other Frenchie rescues. We all have the same mission. You will find their website by going to the Links page.