Jim and I had no intention of adopting a Frenchie, until Leigh Casino, my daughter, who owns Hightails Hideaway, Inc., and helps CFBR by fostering rescue Frenchies, sent me photos of Mya and Roxy and then brought them to our home one sunny afternoon for a visit. I fell in love with them—two 2 yr. old Frenchie females—and decided they would fill our hearts and home with love and a positive focus on caring for two little Frenchies who needed a good home. Jim has cancer, and they bring us love and comfort, as well as lots of work. By now, Jim is as attached to them as I am, and Roxy lies with her head on his lap whenever he sits on the couch. I had no idea how much they’d change my life and give me new meaning and direction and bring new life and love into our home.